Description:  MLS formerly known as the Chinese Beagle Syndrome is a hereditary monogenic disease. This disease affects the development and structure of connective tissue and is manifested by widespread fibrosis of the skin and joints and may also affect the heart. MLS is caused by a mutation in the gene encoding fibrillin-1, which is a major component of tissue microfibrils. A mutation has a fatal impact on its function. MLS has specific manifestations, it is possible to notice the affected puppy about 2-4 weeks after birth. The symptoms worsen within about 1 year of life, then stabilize. The affected dogs have short outer fingers and walk upright, on the forefeet; have very tight skin; tense muscles and tendons. Compared to healthy dogs have a flat skull, larger ears, sloping eyes, tail often stiff.


Inheritance: autosomal recessive


Mutation: c.660C>T in exon 7 of the ADAMTSL2 gene


Sample: EDTA whole blood (1.0 ml) or 2 buccal brushes. For official purposes, the confirmation of the dog’s identity by Veterinarian is recommended.


The analysis is suitable for the following breeds: Beagle

